Progetto/Project GREEN 1° Living Lab Workshop Martano 14.06.2024 – VIDEO

Sono disponibili ai seguenti link del Canale YouTube le registrazioni del workshop che si è svolto a Martano lo scorso venerdì 14 giugno:

Renewable Energy Communities “a new paradigm to share renewable energies in a grassroot approach” – Part one

Renewable Energy Communities “a new paradigm to share renewable energies in a grassroot approach” – Part two

E’ possibile guardare i video con i sottotitoli, scegliendo la lingua di preferenza tra le opzioni previste (italiano/inglese).

Alleghiamo anche le presentazioni illustrate nel corso dell’evento.

Here follow the links to the videos on Youtube channel recorded during the workshop held in Martano last Friday 14.06.2024:

Renewable Energy Communities “a new paradigm to share renewable energies in a grassroot approach” – Part one

Renewable Energy Communities “a new paradigm to share renewable energies in a grassroot approach” – Part two

You can watch the videos with subtitles, choosing the language of your preference between the two available options (English/Italian).

We also attach the presentations shown during the event.