Capitalization Actions of the P.A.S.T.4Future project

Here are some pictures of the Capitalization actions organized and promoted by ESCOOP in the framework of the P.A.S.T.4Future project that were realized from the 18th to the 21st of April 2023 in Puglia.

Ecco alcune foto delle Azioni di Capitalizzazione organizzate e promosse da ESCOOP nell’ambito del progetto P.A.S.T.4Future realizzate in Puglia dal 18 al 21 Aprile 2023.

Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Workshop on Accessible&Sustainable Tourism on the 18th of April at the Castle of Mola di Bari
Whistle museum in Rutigliano
Whistle museum in Rutigliano
painting workshop at the whistles museum in Rutigliano
Cathedral of Conversano
Monastry of San Benedetto in Conversano
Balcony on the sea in Polignano a Mare
Visit to Oleificio La Selva in Laterza
Visit to Casa Vestita in Grottaglie
Visit to Casa Vestita in Grottaglie
Visit to Casa Vestita in Grottaglie
Visit to the Consorzio Produttori Vini di Manduria – Museo della
Civiltà del Vino Primitivo
Visit to the Consorzio Produttori Vini di Manduria – Museo della
Civiltà del Vino Primitivo
Visit to CASTRO
Visit to the Castle of Castro
Visit to the Castle of Castro
B2B Meeting at the Castle of Andrano
B2B Meeting at the Castle of Andrano
B2B Meeting at the Castle of Andrano
Visit to Andrano shore
Visit to the accessible beach of Andrano
Visit to the Cathedral of Otranto
Visit to the Cathedral of Otranto