The European Social Cooperative ESCOOP -sce is based on the principles of national and international mutuality and excludes any purpose of private speculation.
ESCOOP has the purpose to pursue the general interest of the community, towards human advancement and the social integration of citizens through the management of:
- socio-health, education and training services for the benefit of underprivileged people
- productive activities in which the working integration and/or work placement of socially underprivileged people would be realized.
The cooperative also has the purpose to achieve continuity of employment opportunities in the best possible economic, social and professional conditions, through appropriate management in associate or collective forms of the enterprise in which the employees, members and non-members work.

ESCOOP, as signatory of the Charter for Equal Opportunities (Italian Diversity Charter), shares and supports the joint declaration published above that expresses sympathy with the Ukraine population and disapproves what is happening.
ESCOOP, in qualità di firmataria della Carta per le Pari Opportunità (Italian Diversity Charter), condivide e supporta la dichiarazione congiunta qui pubblicata che esprime vicinanza al popolo ucraino e condanna di quanto sta avvenendo.