Cooperative member
It is a local public administration located in the southern Italian region of Apulia.
Location: Mola di Bari, Italy
Web site:
Its projects of investment, partly financed by specific national and Community Programmes, includes:
- Project for Urban Reconstruction;
- planning of the intervention for the restoration of the harbour;
- feasibility plan for the coastal area of the town;
- feasibility plan for the old town;
- realization of the sewerage in the hamlet of Cozze and connection with the urban sewage works (financed by the CIP Interreg II);
- Extraordinary maintenance works of the public green;
- Works for the arrangement of a central garden;
- Extraordinary maintenance works of the nurseries, primary and secondary schools of the town and their adjustment to the concerned norms;
- Extraordinary maintenance works of an old palace;
- Extraordinary maintenance works of the Municipal Theatre facade;
- Restoration works of a nobiliary palace;
- Restoration works of the second practicable lot of the Castle.
Furthermore, the Municipality of Mola di Bari has undersigned with many public and private bodies different protocols for the realization of the following interventions:
- Theatre Association “La Casa dei Doganieri”, for the restoration of an abandoned industrial site, the previous tan-house Mangini aimed to dedicate it to accommodating facilities and for the organisation of cultural events and congresses;
- Academy of Fine Arts of Mola, for the production of artisanal objects, aimed at promoting the labour integration and strengthening the collaboration with people already graduated in the Academy;
- Polytechnic of Bari to start a new productive line and an experimental research on the construction of new model of boats destined to the fishery-tourism activities;
- Feasibility plans for the environmental regeneration of the area on natural interest called Costone Premurgiano, aimed to its valorisation through agricultural and touristic activities;
- Project of an urban park, applying the bio-architecture techniques and the involving underprivileged people, for the start-up of recreational, educative and cultural activities.