P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Koplik – 08.09.2018

Here follow the agenda and some pictures taken during the workshop held in Koplik on 8th September and

Ecco il Programma ed alcune foto scattate durante il seminario tenutosi a Koplik l’8 settembre

P.A.S.T.4Future_Agenda_Workshop for stakeholders_Koplik_08.09.2018

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Podgorica – 07.09.2018

Today in “Niagara” restaurant in Podgorica the in-structive workshop is ongoing. Among participants are representatives of NGO for persons with disabilities, Bashkia Malesi e Madhe, Municipality of Tuzi, Municipality of Podgorica, representatives of local restaurants, agricultural producers, touristic agencies, car rental companies.

Speakers were Marco Pizzio responsable for AISM – Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society) and Board of Directors Member at European Network for Accessible Tourism, Andrijana Nikolic director of MS society from Montenegro, Franja Margharita Italian Coordinator of the P.A.S.T.4Future Cross Border  Network of A&S, Camillo Maraccino expert in planning and management of tourism system – GAL Molise Verso il 2000. 

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Podgorica – 07.09.2018

The workshop dedicated to stakeholders on Accessible & Sustainable Tourism in Montenegro will be held on Friday, 7th September 2018 in Podgorica starting at 10 a.m.

Il seminario dedicato ai portatori d’interesse nell’ambito del Turismo Accessibile e Sostenibile in Montenegro si terrà venerdì 7 settembre 2018 a Podgorica a partire dalle ore 10.00.

Final Agenda Montenegro_Workshop for stakeholders

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Podgorica – 19.07.2018

Here are articles concerning the workshop held in Podgorica on 19.07.2018.

Segnaliamo alcuni articoli relativi al seminario tenutosi a Podgorica il 19.07.2018.


P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Campobasso – 23.07.2018

Photo taken during the workshop held yesterday July 23d in Campobasso.

Foto scattate nel corso del seminario tenutosi ieri 23 Luglio a Campobasso

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Podgorica – 19.07.2018

Some pictures taken during the workshop held on July 19th in Podgorica

Alcune foto scattate nel corso del seminario tenutosi il 19 Luglio a Podgorica

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Workshop in Campobasso – 23.07.2018

The workshop dedicated to stakeholders on Accessible & Sustainable Tourism in Molise will be held next Monday, July 23rd 2018 in Campobasso starting from 10 a.m.

Il seminario dedicato ai portatori d’interesse nell’ambito del Turismo Accessibile e Sostenibile molisani si terrà Lunedì prossimo 23 luglio 2018 a Campobasso a partire dalle ore 10.00.

P A S T 4Future_Programma Workshop in-formativo stakeholder_Campobasso_23 07 2018_DEF

P.A.S.T.4Future project – Communication Workshop in Koplik – 17.07.2018

Some pictures taken during the workshop held on 17th July in Koplik (Albania)

Alcune foto scattate nel corso del seminario tenutosi il 17 luglio a Koplik (Albania)